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The Real Value of a Life Care Contract
One cannot plan for the unexpected. – Aaron Klug People who are interested in Life...
Life Plan Communities: More Than a Name Change
To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not enough time – Leonard...
Are You Good at Retirement?
The trouble with retirement is you never get a day off. – Abe Lemons People...
Easy Downsizing Tips for Seniors
It is Time to Consider Downsizing Your Home? Most people grow emotionally attached to their...
Stay Together as You Age – Choose a CCRC!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 67% of adults age...
Retirement Community Living is Perfect Fit for Spouses with Different Retirement Lifestyles
Adjusting to retirement can be a challenge for a couple seeking different ways to spend...
Seniors Saving Life Stories in Memoirs for Future Generations
Save the story of your world and life for future generations. Give them the gift...
The P-rescription for Seniors
Seniors have the opportunity to create a life based on good choices and the wisdom...
Retirement Community Living is a Grand Solution When Adult Children Worry
When adult children and their parents are separated by miles, there is a lot of...
Retirement Doesn’t Automatically Mean Healthy Living for Mom and Dad
Motivating Mom and Dad to adopt exercise and healthy routines in retirement can be a...
Seniors and Technology Really Do Go Hand-in-Hand
Seniors don't have to be overwhelmed and shy of technology. They just need to decide...
Retirement Communities and Seniors Take Center Stage
More states and communities are preparing for the burgeoning senior population with special programs and...
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