Your generous gift goes a long way to improve the lives of the Galloway Ridge family and the greater community.

Your generous gift goes a long way to improve the lives of the Galloway Ridge family and the greater community.

Print and fill out the Pay by Check form linked below and mail it with your check (made out to Galloway Ridge, Inc.) to:
Accounting Dept.
Galloway Ridge
3000 Galloway Ridge
Pittsboro, NC 27312
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There are plenty of other ways to give back. Visit our funds breakdown page to learn more about how your monetary gift can be used to make a difference, or explore our volunteering page to find current opportunities for getting involved at Galloway Ridge.
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There are plenty of other ways to give back. Visit our funds breakdown page to learn more about how your monetary gift can be used to make a difference, or explore our volunteering page to find current opportunities for getting involved at Galloway Ridge.

This benefits the Chatham County community through grants to both well-established and new agencies in the large, rural county surrounding Galloway Ridge. Established in 2006, the fund is a means for residents and other donors to support Chatham County not-for-profits as well as schools and governmental agency projects through tax deductible donations. The fund invites eligible groups in Chatham County to apply for community grants annually, and past recipients have included boys and girls clubs, literacy councils, food programs, schools, services for the aging, and services for the homeless.
The Galloway Ridge Charitable Fund is the principal charitable arm of Galloway Ridge, because creating thriving communities is at the core of what we do. The fund allows us the flexibility to support established agencies while simultaneously addressing emergent needs through start-ups and innovative projects. Applications for community grants are reviewed by a committee drawn from residents of Galloway Ridge and the county at large. An effort is made to fund projects in various locations within the county.
This provides scholarships to Galloway Ridge employees, helping them pursue two-year and four-year degrees, certificates, and continuing education at licensed and/or accredited educational institutions. Scholarship recipients are selected based on objective standards unrelated to the applicant’s employment at Galloway Ridge. Eligibility criteria includes a minimum of 480 work hours and twelve consecutive months of employment prior to the application deadline. Through the scholarship fund, we not only get to strengthen our community by investing in our staff members’ wellbeing and education — we’re also investing in a better quality of life at Galloway Ridge, with a staff that’s just as committed to an active, engaged life as our residents.
This exists to help residents who, through no fault of their own, are no longer able to pay their full monthly fees. Gifts to this fund go toward paying the fees of residents who have an unexpected financial hardship outside of their control, allowing every member of our community stability and peace of mind for the future. As part of our Benevolent Care Fund, we offer a Charitable Gift Annuity through the Mennonite foundation. Giving this way provides you with annuity payments for life and a significant tax reduction. Of course, you also get the gift of knowing that your donation is helping your neighbors and friends at Galloway!
This supplements the budget provided by Galloway Ridge to maintain our on-campus library, a vibrant hub originally started by two residents in 2005 that has grown to over 10,000 books. Donations to this fund are used to keep our books and other collections up to date and to purchase items for the Library such as ladders, rotating shelves, lighting, and various supplies.
This defrays the cost of bringing educational and entertaining events to the residents of Galloway Ridge and our surrounding community. The fund helps to support the cost of booking speakers, performing artists, musical groups, drama and cultural performances, as well as other similar programs.
This provides holiday checks for employees. Because Galloway Ridge has a “no tipping” policy, the only way to recognize employees for their outstanding service and care toward our residents is through donations to this fund.
For over a decade, Galloway Ridge has raised funds and hosted events to support The Alzheimer’s Association of Eastern NC. Your gift will help this important cause that impacts many in our community.
This is a general fund that goes toward benefiting the residents and community of Galloway Ridge. The use of donations to this fund will be determined by the Executive Director and CFO of Galloway Ridge, with approval from the Board of Directors.