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Are You Good at Retirement?

The trouble with retirement is you never get a day off. – Abe Lemons

 People approach retirement in two ways. They may look at aging as a bad thing to be avoided if possible, which is reinforced by our remain-youthful-at-all-costs culture, or they take the more positive approach of the golden years, when the older generation can relax and impart their wisdom and experience. For people entering retirement in Chapel Hill, they may have some difficulty adjusting to this time in life. You can enjoy retirement and make the most out of it if you focus on these ways to improve your quality of life.

Find Something to Do

 When older people first retire, they spend about ten months relaxing and unwinding, maybe sleeping in, and finally doing nothing. After almost a year of that, however, the honeymoon is over, and boredom can dominate the days. To combat that monotony, you should make sure you remain challenged cerebrally and create a schedule to give your days meaning and pleasure. Maybe it’s time to develop new interests or devote yourself to a passion you used to have but did not take time to enjoy. Read, learn, and do; experiences are there for you every day if you are open to them.

Lighten Your Load

 Over the course of a lifetime, people accumulate a lot of stuff. Some of your things may have value, but most likely, a great deal of your possessions are sentimental treasures and keepsakes that may take up more room than they should. Now is a good time for you to travel a little lighter. As difficult as it can be to let go of so many items, you may realize that the memories they hold for you are actually in your mind. Do yourself and your family a favor by making an effort to reduce your belongings to more important treasures and say goodbye to the excess. It can be very liberating and cathartic to downsize a bit.

Enjoy the Benefits

 Few people are excited when they receive their first senior discount, but those dollars off here and there are badges of honor that you earned. If you embrace aging with peace and joy, you may find that special senior rebates are a sign of appreciation and respect, two things that are sometimes lost in many other customer service experiences. Be proud of what you accomplished, and let society show their thanks to your generation.

Maintain Healthy Habits

 Retirement in Chapel Hill can be a stage of life that lasts for decades, so take care of yourself and stay healthy. Make healthy food choices for every day eating, and then allow yourself indulgences for special occasions. Mental health is just as important as your physical stamina. If you make new connections with people over shared interests, you can expand your social interaction and even make new friendships. Substance abuse can also be a big problem for the over 65 crowd, so watch your intake of alcohol and make sure it does not interfere with your medications.

Share the Wealth

 Over a lifetime, you gain a lot of wisdom and experience. That knowledge can be a valuable asset to many organizations if you choose to volunteer. Keeping a regular commitment as a volunteer gives you a sense of purpose as well as something to do, but it also is a great way for different agencies that rely on volunteer assistance to meet needs in the community.

You Can Do It

 You have worked and saved for your older years; allow yourself to fully appreciate it. If you are unsure how to find interests, make friends, or just get moving, please talk to us in your Galloway Ridge community. We want you to enjoy retirement in Chapel Hill and offer many avenues to keep this party that is life going. From activities here in the community to the many opportunities available in the Research Triangle area, there is no shortage of things to enrich and fulfill your retirement years. For more information about ways to stay active, click here.