Eight Ways to Thrive Through Winter

With the darkest days of the year upon us, it is important to be aware that the shorter days can have detrimental effects on mood and energy. Here are eight tips one can employ to keep spirits high, no matter the weather or day.

Oh, My Aching Feet!

Feet are an oft neglected part of the body. Our poor feet get shoved into stiff, tight shoes every day and are rarely given the chance to function in their natural state: bare.

The Goat Parade Gala

The Gala benefits the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center and the Chatham County Council on Aging. If you can’t attend, you may donate!

Take a Walk

When was the last time you took a walk? I mean a real walk. Not a walk on a treadmill. Not a tromp from your car into the grocery store. Not a quick jog around the block to let the dog do her business.

A Smile a Day

“Better to be the one who smiled, than the one who didn’t smile back.”
This is a popular quote circulating through social media sites at the moment. I cannot find a credible source for who originally said it, but it got me thinking.

From the lighter side – A resident’s view

Mall walkers are a fact in the present day. In Santa Fe during the summer they open the mall early so walkers can walk in the cool. Galloway Ridge has walkers too, but they are hall walkers.

Wandering Around Galloway Ridge – A Resident’s View

“Getting Here”.
When my wife and I first came to look at Galloway Ridge from Virginia a few years ago we came from the direction of Chapel Hill. We were surprised that Galloway Ridge was out in the country but only eight miles from Chapel Hill.

Choosing the Right Attitude

Two components of wellness that can be particularly detrimental to healthy aging if they are not given proper attention are social and physical wellness.