H.G. Jones knows how to put a mark on important historical events. He spent a lifetime doing it for others, serving as curator of the North Carolina Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill for many years. Before that he was director of N.C. Department of Archives and History. Before that he was director of N.C. Department of Archives and History.
A recent day at Galloway Ridge in Fearrington Village marked another important event, his 90th birthday. Not content to celebrate only with his friends, he joined with two fellow Galloway residents, Lee Stillman, who also became 90 this month, and Ted Reyling, who became 95.
Their friends and families packed the largest room at Galloway Ridge.
One of Jones’ friends, Fannie Memory Mitchell, had a birthday card for Jones, the same one he sent her on her 89th birthday on Jan. 21 of last year. This card, now well worn and stained, has been going back and forth between Jones and Mitchell for about 50 years.