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Our 2022 Scholarship Recipients

Galloway Ridge’s vision is to make educational opportunities a reality for our employees by awarding scholarships. The scholarship is an excellent opportunity for employees to pursue higher education, which would not be possible for many without the assistance of this scholarship. 

We are pleased to announce our 2022 Scholarship Recipients:


Jefferson Castaneda is attending Durham Tech Community College; Major: Architecture.

Corrine Collison is attending UNC Charlotte; Major: Music Education.

Angela Farnsworth is attending Sandhills Community College; Major: Nursing.

Jeanette Mullies is attending UNC Greensboro-Graduate School; Major is not listed.

Sheila Smith is attending Central Carolina Community College; Major:  Nursing

Breanna Walker is attending Wake Tech Community College; Major: Nursing.

The Triangle Community Foundation manages the fund, and the Galloway Ridge community makes all contributions. Employees have used these scholarships for various fields of study. These fields include the arts, sciences, business, education, engineering, humanities, media, nursing, pharmacy, public health, various trade schools, and graduate school. The Galloway Ridge Employee Scholarship program has benefited over 180 employees and has awarded over $500,000 since it began in 2008.