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New Birdhouse Design and Installation

In 2008, our original birdhouse was built and installed. Unfortunately, after 16 years of use, we had to take it down due to deterioration. Luckily, one of our amazing woodworking residents, Dick Eyestone, stepped up to create a new birdhouse.

I spent some time with Dick to learn about his process and design.

He explained that this birdhouse was crafted specifically for Purple Martins. He began the project by learning about designs from others and then took parts that he thought would be most beneficial to his design.

The birdhouse is constructed mainly with cedar wood. However, Dick also chose to utilize the leftover wood that the woodworking shop had. He was able to take these pieces and create beautiful shingles on the roof.

After seeing the deterioration of the first birdhouse, Dick made sure to add features that would extend the life of this birdhouse. These include water intrusion measures and small strips of wood around the edges that can be replaced once they begin to rot. These can easily be replaced and will protect the wood on the inside of these strips.

A modular design was used to make cleaning easier. Dick also created it with the intention that only two people would be needed to take it apart and put it together when cleaning.

Mesh screening was placed throughout the roof so the birds would have plenty of ventilation while inside the birdhouse.

Dovetail joints were used to minimize the number of fasteners that were visible and protect the young birds inside. Purple Martin fledglings have also been known to step out onto the porch so to keep them safe from falling, Dick built in a safety rod similar to a car seat for them.

These birds like their privacy. Each “apartment” has its own privacy screening from their next-door neighbors.

Purple Martins like their home to be high in the sky and away from trees so that squirrels and other animals cannot reach their nest. With a team of residents, staff members, landscapers, and a machine lift, the new birdhouse was installed on our Pond Loop Trail. We can’t wait to meet our new birdy residents!