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Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Popular New Year’s Resolutions

According a recent survey conducted by Statistic Brain, some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions include things like losing weight, getting organized, saving money, learning something new and exciting, and spending more time with family. Around 45% of Americans will make resolutions, but sadly, only 8% of these people will actually follow through on them. Seniors tend to be somewhat worse than their younger counterparts in reaching their goals for the New Year, too.

Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

So, how can you go about making and actually keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Since you’re setting goals meant to improve your life in one way or another, it’s important to follow through!

Here are a few tips to ensure you’re able to reach those goals and make positive changes in your life:

• Define your goals. Start by defining exactly what it is you’d like to accomplish in 2016. Don’t say things like, “I want to lose weight” or “I will eat healthier”, as these statement are simply too broad. Instead, make a goal to lose 10 pounds or incorporate more veggies into your daily lunches. Set a time limit to achieve your goals, too, whether it’s a month, 6 months, by the end of the year, etc.

• Find strength in numbers. Announce your resolutions to the world! Telling friends and family what you’d like to achieve this year can help hold you more accountable for your actions. You can even place fun bets with others to really give you more motivation. Plus, your loved ones can provide support and be your cheering squad each time you hit one of your goals.

• Take it one step at a time. It’s important to realize that starting small is the best option. Making several big life changes all at once is bound to lead to feeling overwhelmed and giving up more easily. You’ll need to modify a behavior, whether it’s to exercise more or quit impulse shopping, in order for the change to occur.

• Always track your progress. Write down your goals on a calendar or by making a list, and then self-monitor to stay on track. As you hit a goal or resolution, cross it off the list or note it on the calendar. Just seeing those positive changes allows for more progress!

• Treat yourself! When you do hit a goal, make sure to reward yourself for your efforts! Doing something nice for yourself allows you to recognize your accomplishments and keep you focused on moving forward. Enjoy that piece of chocolate, small purchase, or day trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go!

• Allow for setbacks. Remember, you’re only human and are bound to have a setback here and there. Don’t let those slip-ups dissuade you or de-motivate you! Simply learn from your mistake and move on, getting back on track as soon as possible.

From all of us here at Galloway Ridge, we wish you a wonderful 2016!

Find out more about the Healthy Horizons program offered at Galloway Ridge by clicking here.