Galloway Ridge to Display Exhibit “Through Their Lens: Chatham County”
Chatham Conservation Partnership’s (CCP) exhibit “Through Their Lens: Chatham County” will be on display at Galloway Ridge at Fearrington in Duke Center for Living from October 2nd until January 5th. Galloway Ridge has been supporting community arts since 2011 by providing a venue for local artists to exhibit their work. The CCP exhibit will be displayed in Duke Center for Living and open to the public for viewing each week on Monday through Friday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm only.
The exhibit is composed of 60 images created between April 21 and June 16, 2012 by participants of a photography workshop conducted by David Blevins, award winning freelance nature photographer and forest ecologist. His third book, Wild North Carolina, is an introduction to the diversity and significance of North Carolina’s natural communities. The exhibition is a collaboration, not a competition, among 23 local photographers of all skill levels. Some participants explored countywide to find subject matter for their images, while others found their subject right in their own backyard. The diversity of the participants and their subjects illustrates the diversity of Chatham’s natural resources.
Co-sponsors of the exhibition include Triangle Land Conservancy and the Sierra Club Orange-Chatham Group. In-kind sponsors include David Blevins Photography, JW Photo Labs of Raleigh, and Central Carolina Community College.
Contact Pat Richardson, Director of Community Relations for Galloway Ridge at 919-642-6893 or for information about viewing the exhibit.
Galloway Ridge Retirement Community is located at Fearrington Village near Pittsboro. More information and directions are available at
Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) is a broad-based group of organizations and individuals with a common interest in conservation in Chatham County. CCP has created an innovative new tool, the Comprehensive Conservation Plan, to help with identification and conservation of Chatham’s natural resources. This plan is the first of its kind created for a county in North Carolina and serves as a model for other counties. More information about CCP and the Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Chatham County is available at
Location : Galloway Ridge at Fearrington, Pittsboro NC