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Galloway Ridge Cares! Volunteer Services: Chatham Connecting

Chatham County volunteers have launched an online, searchable database where people in need can find county agencies that can help and where people who want to volunteer or donate can identify agencies that need their help. The Chatham Connecting database located at includes government and nonprofit agencies as well as other community-based human services programs in the county.

Approximately 60 such agencies have their information on the site. The website has easy-to-navigate tabs for “I Need Help,” “We Provide Help” and “I Want to Help.” Once the appropriate tab has been chosen, a user can select an agency to look at by category or by name.

For those who would like some help in finding a suitable volunteer position, Donna Fehrenbach will be in the Galloway Library on Thursday afternoons, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm to help any resident with their search.