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Galloway Ridge at Fearrington Celebrates “Square Off Against Alzheimer’s” Event Benefitting Alzheimer’s NC

Pittsboro, NC, August 4, 2015: Buying a ticket and likely walking out of a fundraiser with a “one of a kind” piece of artwork with an infinite value seems like a great deal.

At the Square off against Alzheimer’s event scheduled for Friday, August 7th, hosted by Galloway Ridge at Fearrington the attendees will also be supporting research and awareness, education and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease via the partnership with Alzheimer’s North Carolina.

Pat Richardson, Director of Community Relations at Galloway Ridge, says it will be an exciting evening of entertainment, coveted art work, raffle prizes, great food and a friend builder event for all. Twenty-six well renowned non-artisans were recruited to complete 12×12 blank canvasses with artwork for this event. The Square off against Alzheimer’s event is free to attend and donations are accepted.

This event supports the Chatham County goals for 2015 in raising $30,000 for Alzheimer’s North Carolina. Several events such as Pasta with a Purpose, hot dog and ice cream sales, employee fundraisers and of course the 5th Annual Chatham County Walk & 5K for Alzheimer’s scheduled for September 12th all support the goal for this year.

At least 175,000 of Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia live in North Carolina. Over 70% of these North Carolinians are cared for by family or friends at home. An estimated 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Alzheimer’s disease is ranked the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.

Events such as Square off against Alzheimer’s and the Chatham County Walk &5K for Alzheimer’s are necessary to make a difference.

Galloway Ridge is a nonprofit continuing care retirement community (CCRC) located just eight miles south of Chapel Hill in Pittsboro, North Carolina. Galloway Ridge is a remarkable choice for inspiring, satisfying senior living. Visit Galloway Ridge online at

For more information, contact Pat Richardson at 919-642-6893 or 888-763-9600.