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Chatham County Charitable Fund 2022 Recipients

The Galloway Ridge Chatham County Charitable Fund was established in 2006 to serve the citizens of Chatham County. Galloway Ridge residents help their Chatham County neighbors in need through the GRCCCF. Chatham County not-for-profits, schools, and governmental agency projects apply for community grants. We aim to fund projects in various locations within this large, rural county. As a community in Chatham County, it’s essential to support and help those surrounding us improve the quality of life for our neighbors. 

This year the fund received 32 requests and after careful consideration, The Galloway Ridge Chatham County Charitable Fund Grant Distribution Committee is pleased to announce the following 2022 Community Grant Recipients. The Committee granted 17 awards, totaling $100,000 this year. 

Jordan-Matthews High School Arts Foundation $1,200
Chatham Out-Reach Alliance, Inc. (CORA) $2,500
George Moses Horton PTSA (formerly) Horton Middle School $2,550
Chatham Central High School (AVID Program) $3,500
Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School $3,500
Chatham County Literacy Council, Inc. $5,000
Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County $5,000
Love Chatham $5,000 Second Bloom of Chatham, Inc. $5,000
The Learning Trail, Inc. $6,000
Autism Society of North Carolina $7,000
Chatham Trades, Inc. $7,000
El Futuro, Inc. $7,000
Central Carolina Community College Foundation, Inc. $8,000
West Chatham Communities D/B/A West Chatham Food Pantry $10,000
Boys and Girls Club of Central Carolina $10,500
Chatham Cares Community Pharmacy $11,250

Congratulations to our 2022 grant recipients, we appreciate all you do to make Chatham County a great place to live!