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Call for Artists: Galloway Ridge Artist Collaboration 2013

Deadline: December 14, 2012
Submissions sent to, 919-642-6893
Exhibition Dates: January 8 – April 12, 2013
Exhibition Space: Galloway Ridge at Fearrington, Pittsboro, NC

ELIGIBILITY AND RESTRICTIONS: The competition is open to all artists in both Chatham and Orange Counties, working in all 2-D media. All forms of painting, drawing, photography, graphics and digital are eligible. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

SIZES AND THEMES: Preferred themes are nature featuring flowers and animals, art rendered in realistic or impressionable styles, but tasteful abstracts will certainly be considered. Sizes needed are 11×14 to 20×30. All art work must be framed (if applicable), and hanging devices attached including wire. Contact information must be on the back of each piece including artist name, size, description, and price. Each artist can submit up to four individual pieces.

EXHIBITION AND AWARDS: Selected artists will be featured in a group exhibition at Galloway Ridge from January 8-April 12, 2013. The exhibition will also be displayed on Galloway Ridge’s web site.

EXHIBITION TERMS: All works in the show must be for sale. 100% of the proceeds from sell of art work go to the artist. Sale price is determined by the artist. Exhibit consists of 12 weeks for each rotation. All submissions must be in the form of an email with jpg attachments. No art work will be allowed to be removed from the exhibit space prior to the 12 week contract commitment.

IMAGE USE / COPYRIGHTS: Artist retains all copyrights to submitted images and represented artwork. Digital images submitted with artist entry are for exhibition selection only and will be deleted after completion of the selection process. By entering the competition, artists selected to exhibit grant Galloway Ridge to use the selected image(s) on printed materials and company web site for promotional purposes only.

NOTIFICATION: Artists will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance no later than 24 hours after the juror process. Notification will be made via email.

PRIVACY POLICY: Artist contact information (address, telephone, etc.) is only held for the purpose of contacting selected artists and is not preserved in any database. Entry data and image files are deleted on the completion of the jury process. All artist emails will be added to our future events announcement email list. Artists who do not wish to be on the email list may unsubscribe when they receive their notification.

DROP OFF AND RETURN OF MATERIALS: All selected art work will be dropped off at Galloway Ridge at Fearrington at 3000 Galloway Ridge, Pittsboro, NC 27312. Each artist must include a signed “Disclaimer Form” when art work is dropped off with full description, pricing and contact information. If you do not have a signed “Disclaimer Form” with your art work you will not be allowed to participate in the exhibit.