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Artists Gather for Exhibit Opening at Galloway Ridge by Mike Gates

Galloway Ridge unveiled the first wave of its Artist Collaboration 2013 Friday, displaying works throughout several key locations.

The event kicked off with an invitational ceremony Friday afternoon.

“We started (last year) with 27 pieces of art,” said Galloway Ridge Executive Director Heather Rusnak. “This show, we have 80.”

Work of any two-dimension medium was permitted, and the event had a nature theme.

Art was displayed in the facility’s bistro, a lounge, the Galloway Ridge Café and the Duke Center for Living.

“It’s spreading throughout the entire building,” said Galloway Ridge Community Relations Coordinator Pat Richardson. “And the café is where it started.”

The art will be up for 12 weeks before it is rotated out for new pieces.

A jury will vote on a best in show, but there won’t be any other awards.

“There’s no prizes or anything,” said Florence Johnson, a juror for the show. “It’s an opportunity to sell their work.”

But visitors and residents will have the chance to win a prize of their own. Johnson and fellow juror Roy Lindholm have art of their own.

Interested parties can enter a raffle to receive either a Johnson watercolor painting or one of Lindholm’s photographed works.

Artists from Chatham and Orange were invited to submit their work back in December, and several of them attended the opening.

“There’s a lot of beautiful pieces here,” said artist Joey Howell, whose work was entered into the show. Theresa Richter, an abstract painter, entered selections from her most recent work. The paintings detailed her healing process after her husband died of a brain tumor at age 41. “I switched out of a more realistic style of expression,” Richter said. Her favorite featured work included yellow splashes of color against a dark background, giving the impression of flowers springing to life from the ground.

Other art included photos of the Jerusalem outskirts by Jim Haberman and abstract art by Eduardo Lapetina.

Director Rusnak took time during the opening remarks to thank the residents and artists for their time and contributions. “We really appreciate you,” she said.

For more information, interested parties can contact Galloway Ridge at 1.888.763. 9600.