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10 Years of the Turnaround Shop

Galloway Ridge resident Joan Zollinger took an idea, hard work, and dedicated people to create something wonderful.

Over a decade ago, Joan and her husband visited John’s sister at her Continuing Care Retirement Community in Virginia. During their trip, they learned that there was a resale shop for employees and residents. John’s sister explained that residents bring more stuff than they need when they move in and when they are downsizing so they donate it to the shop. The proceeds went to a Resident Reserve Fund which accumulated about $10,000 per year. Joan says she almost fainted when she heard that number and thought it was a wonderful thing that is needed at Galloway Ridge.

After getting approval from Galloway Ridge’s Executive Director, Joan was given a large storage room with a variety of castoff items. Five hardworking people cleared out and made order of the chaos. Residents were sent notices asking for donations to make this idea a reality. 

The Turnaround Shop doors opened for the first time on October 1, 2013 and since then has been more successful than Joan had ever dreamed of. The store is open 2 days a week and has 14 volunteers who unload boxes, sort and price items, create displays, work as cashiers, and staff the store. All items in the store are donated and include everything except clothing (minus special boutique items) and books. Merchandise and displays are changed seasonally so there is always something new. Items are priced low, allowing employees and residents to find good bargains. Items that are not sold are donated to Habitat for Humanity. Joan explains, “it is a win-win situation for everyone.”

The money that is raised goes to the Residents Benevolent Care Fund and an emergency fund for employees who are faced with critical financial situations. In just ten years of operation, the shop has raised over $210,000 for these funds.